Get an Umbrella

When I first moved here, the weather was perfect. Bright blue, sunny skies filled most days. It did get cooler as the winter months came but that didn’t last long. By springtime, it got pretty hot, not what I was used to in April. Everything was fine at first, but things changed in the summer.…

High Risk, Huge Loss

Risk is proportional to loss. The greater the risk, the more one stands to lose. Getting close to good people means to risk losing them. Unfortunately, such is the way of life. To avoid this risk is to live alone in isolation. This mentality works but it’s kind of like a two-edge sword. One side…

Unknown Peril

For those of you who have pets, you may have seen them do something by accident and then totally freak out. The well-loved pet gets tangled in something and nearly kills themselves trying to get out of it. It can be rather hilarious but it’s best to rescue them as soon as possible. They don’t…

100 Posts! Thanks for Reading!

This post is a dedication to my readers. It is my one hundredth posting! I wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my blog. I also wanted to celebrate because this is a milestone for me. To me, there is something special about 100. Perhaps, it is because…

Behold, Life Sucketh

It’s been many years since I read Shakespeare. Without fact checking, I am going to guess the subject line is in one of his writings. If not, I will write to his people and suggest they add it. I don’t feel like that often but sometimes all the optimism and positive thinking I can muster…


Life is filled with disappointments. The more our hearts age, the more we know this to be true. As a child, everything is new and fresh. The world makes a big deal of you starting out. But somewhere along the way, it seems to stop caring. The applause dwindles down as your accomplishments become common…

Lead On!

Some will follow. Some won’t. Lead anyway. Inherently people will wander aimlessly if left to their own ways. Something inside the majority of us yearns to be led. We demand structure to which we can frame our lives around. Without good leadership, things fall apart. When a leader’s heart is ignited by passion, it bursts…

A Change of Mind

If you have convinced yourself change is not possible, perhaps it time to change the way you think. Changing how you think can steer your life in a new direction, which will take you to a different place than where you are. Life is too short to fill up with more negative experiences. They suck…

Learn from Others

The grand scheme of self-pity; it promises everything but gives little to no value at all. If you want to find someone to pity, how about finding a baby? They are so cute and innocent, often becoming the center of attention in a room filled with people. But they literally don’t know anything! Watching them…

No Free Time

We give such a substantial portion of ourselves to our careers, it leaves the other areas of our lives at risk. After giving so much of ourselves throughout the day, it is tempting to fall into the belief that we have nothing left to give of ourselves. Depending on the type of work, a person…