Hide and Seek

One of my favorite childhood games was hide and seek. One child closed their eyes, while the others went and hid. The ages of those playing determined how secretive of a hiding spot they would find. The youngest picked spots where they were easily seen. While hiding behind a plant, their eyes were covered and…

Miracle of Music

I went to a hospital, although for the first time it was not to actually see someone. I was not working so I took my mother to the other side of town for an appointment. I kept her company while she was in the waiting room for what seemed like forever. After she left the…

Winning is Strategic

There are exceptions where someone can win without even trying but that is usually in games of chance. In the game of life, you need a strategy in order to win. Sports are filled with opposing teams who study each other, as well as themselves, trying to figure out the perfect way to beat their…

Jeff v3.0

Recently, I found myself reminiscing about times past. If you ever used a rotary phone, you undoubtedly remember the frustration of your mistake at the end if you selected the wrong number. Start over! The first cell phone I saw belonged to my grandmother, although I’m not sure if it would be more appropriate to…

Free Indeed

Freedom is precious and not to be taken lightly. It is desired because we all are or have been bound by something. Our hearts yearn for freedom from oppression of all sorts. We even expect someone to swoop in and rescue us so that we will not have to rescue ourselves. What if freedom is…

Get an Umbrella

When I first moved here, the weather was perfect. Bright blue, sunny skies filled most days. It did get cooler as the winter months came but that didn’t last long. By springtime, it got pretty hot, not what I was used to in April. Everything was fine at first, but things changed in the summer.…

High Risk, Huge Loss

Risk is proportional to loss. The greater the risk, the more one stands to lose. Getting close to good people means to risk losing them. Unfortunately, such is the way of life. To avoid this risk is to live alone in isolation. This mentality works but it’s kind of like a two-edge sword. One side…

Only Me

When upset or angry, there is often a temptation to become self-destructive in some way. We downplay things to justify our behavior. Whether we do it with intention or not, is not what this discussion is about. Should anyone care enough to call us out on our behavior, they are likely to receive a snippy…

Beneath the Surface

Last spring, I planted quite a few things in my yard, attempting to make the lawn look nice. While it was not my first attempt at having plants, I did make a considerable effort this time, more than any other. Along one side of my place, I uprooted the existing plants that looked terrible. In…

Unknown Peril

For those of you who have pets, you may have seen them do something by accident and then totally freak out. The well-loved pet gets tangled in something and nearly kills themselves trying to get out of it. It can be rather hilarious but it’s best to rescue them as soon as possible. They don’t…