Weary in Well Doing, part 7

Do you want to see this world become a better place? Don’t just fight to change the world, fight to love it. It’s a fight because in the process of trying to save it you risk losing yourself. Going down this path can cause you to grow to hate what it was you loved in…

Weary in Well Doing, part 6

One of the greatest examples of becoming weary in well doing for me was demonstrated by the life of my mother. For years she has demonstrated a commitment to our family unlike anything else I’ve ever witnessed. I have seen firsthand how it has taken its toll on her and watched as the stress mounted…

Weary in Well Doing, part 5

Before I left for a work trip, I wanted to make another visit to my friend at the nursing home. I knew it would be several weeks before I would be able to visit again so I wanted to squeeze in another visit the weekend before I left. He told me earlier that his chemotherapy…

Weary in Well Doing, part 4

The director of the nursing home ministry from my church reached out to the volunteers and made mention of a woman who lived in an assisted living facility. She hoped to receive more visitors, if possible. I had only one other person to visit, so it made sense for me to check it out. From…

Weary in Well Doing, part 3

There had been a couple months where I had been inactive in the nursing home ministry of my church. While I was not actively thinking about the rejection of my last experience, it still hurt so I didn’t try to find anyone else to visit. However, the director of the ministry reached out to me…

Weary in Well Doing, part 2

Earlier this year, I decided to get actively involved in several ministries at my church. One of the ministries was to serve under a pastor who worked with the seniors of the church. He was responsible for many areas, one of which included a nursing home ministry. A new director started around the same time…

Weary in Welldoing, part 1

When your efforts are spent on trying to change the world around you, it may not take long before they are spent. The needs of this world are too much for the select few who care enough to try to do something about them. If you are not careful, you can burn out and quit…

Where’s That Wheel Going?

After leaving church one Sunday morning, I was headed to visit my friend in the nursing home. On my way, I drove down a busy road that had two lanes on each side of a center turning lane. When I drove around a bend in the road, I noticed something strange in front of me.…

How it’s Done!

Twice in the same night I was shown how it’s done! What sucks about it is that it was the same guy making me look like a punk! I was in the back corner of the gym, doing shoulder presses with two thirty pound dumbbells. An older gentleman crossed by the large wall sized mirror…

Cookie Thief

Over the last few months, I’ve tried to cut back on sweets. During a recent trip to the grocery store, my heart was stirred once more by a timeless love. It called to me from many rows back, midway down a narrow aisle. The call came from none other than a package of chocolate chip…