The Value of One Vision

It does not have to be a facility built with iron bars to keep us locked up. Sometimes we are imprisoned in our minds, trapped in a belief system that does not serve us. In such a system, life does not get any better. Its victims are rewarded with no money, sickness, and suffering. They…

The Value of One Objective

An undisciplined life is one of trouble. If we have no objectives in life, who knows where we will end up. We cannot be wishy-washy because life is precious. The world has countless people who have sought more life and were denied, whether it was of time or health. Something is always after our focus,…

The Curse of Won’t

I cannot imagine that anyone wants to be a flop in life. Instead, most of us would like to achieve some level of success. Maybe not climbing the highest peaks, but it is definitely not falling into the lowest depths. Yet the moment we set out to do something big with our lives, we are…

Dream Not Yet Explored

When was the last time you got really excited about an idea and decided to share it with someone? Did it feel like you were trying to light a wet match? Not everyone will feel the same fire the way you do, if at all. Don’t put too much energy into trying to get them…

Waiting for a Feeling? Part 1

Fear is sometimes a challenge. Many fears are irrational and unlikely to lead to grave consequences when we choose to face them. Yet there are others that can be deadly. Can we know the difference? If we genuinely want to be rid of our fear, then the onus is on us to research it. Facing…

Don’t Go in There!

Recently, I watched some movies and was astonished at the foolishness of characters in them. They found themselves in certain situations that ultimately led to their demise. I sat back on the couch and watched them do the stupidest things. On the outside, I was quiet. But on the inside, I was screaming at the…

Winged Beast

Sometimes I lie awake in bed at night and type notes for future blog posts on my phone. One night, I was writing, and it was pitch black in the room. My bright phone screen was the only source of light in the room and all the area surrounding was completely dark. The room was…

Goals Really Work, part 1

Set goals! All our lives we’ve been told to set goals, yet no one bothers! Does anyone else wonder why that is? I know why I have not in the past. It takes discipline and effort to plan your life in a diligent manner. There were more compelling reasons not to set goals. Personally speaking,…

Seeing is Believing

Many times, we have said, “I will believe it when I see it.” That statement is overwhelmingly true. There is a struggle between two sides. The majority are those who choose to only believe something when they can physically see it with their eyes. The few are those who can see it in their minds,…