Will I Break Today

The night before a trip with my family, we stayed at a hotel in a city near the cruise port. When we got up in the morning, we went down to the dining area for the continental breakfast. My father sat at the table on a chair with four wooden legs and a piece of…

My Everything

At the height of achievement in my career, during the proudest moments of righteous living I managed to portray, a question entered my mind. God, do you love me any more now? Now that I’ve lived right. Now that I’ve managed to do something good with my life. Now that I bring glory to you…

Soul Sucking Moments

Has your soul ever felt sapped of the life force that drives you inside? While positive quotes are helpful, during these times uplifting words do not always help. I call them the soul sucking moments of life that leave you feeling completely drained. We push others away because we loathe the pain so much we…