Passed Over

Have you ever been passed over for something you wanted very much? If so, then you know the hurt that comes afterwards. The pain goes so deep it feels as though all the positive thinking in the world will not pull you out from the depths you are in. Perhaps you have dedicated effort to…

Teepee Gone Wild, part 2

The extent of the three boys’ learning about Native American Indians did not stop with the unfortunate teepee event. It was still deemed necessary to further investigate the Indians’ way of living. In school they were also taught about the types of living for Indians, such as farming, hunting, and gathering. There were no white-…


Life is filled with disappointments. The more our hearts age, the more we know this to be true. As a child, everything is new and fresh. The world makes a big deal of you starting out. But somewhere along the way, it seems to stop caring. The applause dwindles down as your accomplishments become common…