For the Love of Toilet Paper

In all my life, I’ve not heard that many jokes about toilet paper. However, ninety-nine percent have been within the last two weeks. I’ve lived through snowstorms where people bought out certain shelves like milk, bread, and canned goods. Now I can say I’ve been through one hurricane season and see that people buy some…

Best Effort

I chose the image for this posting for a solid reason. If you were to ask me to guard this goal, I would gladly tell you that I will try to. The man in the picture is not trying, he is guarding it. The man is fully committed because he has lunged his body in…

The Hard Face of Truth

People know what is good for them, they just don’t always do it. People know what is bad for them, yet they do it anyway. All we need is a strong enough reason to change our behavior. However, rather than find it, we find a dozen reasons not to change. It’s not only about finding…

High Risk, Huge Loss

Risk is proportional to loss. The greater the risk, the more one stands to lose. Getting close to good people means to risk losing them. Unfortunately, such is the way of life. To avoid this risk is to live alone in isolation. This mentality works but it’s kind of like a two-edge sword. One side…

Unknown Peril

For those of you who have pets, you may have seen them do something by accident and then totally freak out. The well-loved pet gets tangled in something and nearly kills themselves trying to get out of it. It can be rather hilarious but it’s best to rescue them as soon as possible. They don’t…

Invisible Scales

The nature of all kinds of relationships causes us to use one another. Like it or not, that’s the way it is. We add value to others, and they add value to us. But there are also people who drain us and every resource we have for their benefit. Since we’ve been burned in the…

What Moves me

Sometimes when I think about God, it’s a wonder why he does some things the way he does. As a result, I wrestle with unanswered questions. Despite not having the answers to these questions, I continue building my relationship with him anyway. In the process, it gets deeper as time passes. That’s the thing about…

Misplaced Faith

We tend to put our faith in all kinds of things and even in people. When things don’t work out the way we planned for them to, it can be devastating. It leaves us feeling empty and hopeless. It makes sense for us to feel this way. After all, we may have placed it all…

Doubt in the Midst of Pain

Uncertainty has a way of creeping into our minds. During the dificult periods of our lives, we are found questioning. What is going to happen? When? What is next for me? How will…? On and on are minds are barraged with thoughts. Some are good, yes, but many are not and must be swiftly dealt…

A Moment’s Notice

Life can change in a moment. Some kinds of moments can be difficult to get through. They take your breath away and leave you speechless. It’s similar to the experience when that bully unexpectedly punched you hard in the stomach. Gasping for breath, you tried to regain your composure. Most of the onlookers turned away,…