Faithful in Little

When the amounts are small, people are tempted to be ungrateful. Don’t despise what you have, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Be content with it, not in the sense that it’s all you will ever have, but just that it is what you have right now. Take good care of it. Have you…

The Faith Connection

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In a similar way, faith is the shortest distance from where you are now to where you want to be. In order to get to the next level in your life, it’s going to require faith. Stepping out of your comfort zone is not an…

Not Now

If we are honest with ourselves, this phrase comes out of our mouth all the time. We know something has to be done, but we do not like to say to ourselves, “I’m not going to do it”. That would make us feel guilty. Instead, we have cleverly convinced ourselves in a subtle way. We…

Kicking a Habit

Bad habits can be hard to overcome. On the other hand, creating new habits takes us out of our comfort zone. Despite the fact that some of our habits are destructive, we continue on with them like robots, not questioning why these tasks are being carried out. Remember, this is your life! You get to…

Always Rushed?

Life is hectic. But how much of the rush is caused by our own decisions? After thinking about it, most of us can readily admit this is true. When you acknowledge and take responsibility for your decisions, you can identify things done on a regular basis that create your rushed lifestyle. Here are three simple…

A Word of Caution

What if every word you said came to pass today in your life? Would you be happy or freaked out? Words are usually taken for granted. We hear so many words throughout any given day that we tend not pay attention to them. But words have weight. Rather than talking, listen to others around you.…

Do Something

Time management, exercise, a healthy diet; all these are great goals to set. There are so many other goals which are also worthwhile to choose from. But that’s the thing, you have to choose them, on purpose. It’s not that we don’t know all this stuff already. So why bring it up? Simply because most…

What’s the Big Deal?

Quite possibly that’s a very serious question. It is dangerous because it implicates that something is not important. The trouble with that behavior is that it can run through an individual on pretty much every level within them. This does not mean that everything needs to be a big deal. But you must be diligent…