When Pillars Fall

Part of my enjoyment in visiting cities is observing the massive architectural structures found in them. People get used to seeing pillars in their lives every day and take them for granted. These giants in our lives stand tall, bearing the weight of untold forces, never folding under the pressure. They withstand everything that works…

Path to Pirates’ Island

One of the many times, years ago, my parents took us camping one weekend. It was not at a typical campground, but it did have RVs and campers set up all around. For my brother and I, it was loads of fun. We loved playing outside and running around to check out all the sights.…

Lead On!

Some will follow. Some won’t. Lead anyway. Inherently people will wander aimlessly if left to their own ways. Something inside the majority of us yearns to be led. We demand structure to which we can frame our lives around. Without good leadership, things fall apart. When a leader’s heart is ignited by passion, it bursts…

How it’s Done!

Twice in the same night I was shown how it’s done! What sucks about it is that it was the same guy making me look like a punk! I was in the back corner of the gym, doing shoulder presses with two thirty pound dumbbells. An older gentleman crossed by the large wall sized mirror…