Big Brother’s Birthday

40. What an old bat you are? But only I am allowed to say that. I guess if our dad surveyed back when Moby Dick was a guppie, then where would that leave you and I? Old together, yet apart. Together, through God’s unfailing love. Apart because you live in a world immeasurably greater than…

Storms of Life

Life can hurt and at times, seem unbearable. When we are physically wounded, our miraculous bodies go into healing mode. Cuts begin to heal. Bruises begin to dissipate. Most of our bodies are programmed to fight infections also. Our minds know exactly what to do without requiring thought on our part. Even a small child…

Not by Choice

Things happen in life in ways that we do not approve. We aren’t always given the choice in how things go. When stuff happens, the only thing we have control of is how we choose to see the situation. Will you be angry, bitter, and resentful? Why me? I am a good person… why? The…