A Life of Excellence, part 8

Living a life of excellence means having enough, especially for the glorious day when retirement comes. Many people today are scared right now about their investments, including my parents, who are retired. They look at the dollar amount and see an immediate crisis. Over the years, I’ve tried to help them with their financial planning,…

High Risk, Huge Loss

Risk is proportional to loss. The greater the risk, the more one stands to lose. Getting close to good people means to risk losing them. Unfortunately, such is the way of life. To avoid this risk is to live alone in isolation. This mentality works but it’s kind of like a two-edge sword. One side…

The Faith Connection

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In a similar way, faith is the shortest distance from where you are now to where you want to be. In order to get to the next level in your life, it’s going to require faith. Stepping out of your comfort zone is not an…