
Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had. Think back to all the times you have given a gift to someone. If they just let dirt pile up on it, how would it make you feel? What if you gave them a car and they threw old banana peels in the back seat.…

One of These Days

Do you ever find yourself saying “one of these days, im going to… ” If you continue putting things off, amazing opportunities will be missed. Take advantage while they are available because most doors will not stay open forever. Here are a few things to consider. Don’t wait for perfect timing. This is one of…

Light My Path

When all you know is darkness, it’s hard to grasp the concept of light. Perhaps you’ve seen light, but it’s been so long that the memory was forgotten. Instead, you wander around aimlessly, stumbling and stubbing your pinky toe on the many objects in your path. Yes, the smallest toe, the one that hurts the…

My Faith is Anchored

Have you ever doubted your faith? I think it is safe to say we all have at one point or another. After all, the giants we face in life can be very intimidating. But don’t worry. Just because your head may be filled with doubt, does not mean your heart has to be also. They…

Love People

Without thinking about it, the hustles of daily life cause us to overlook the well-being of those around us. It’s not that we are bad people, but unless we stop ourselves and purposefully think about someone other than ourselves, then others will likely be neglected. With determination, we must make a conscious effort to consider…

Inspired To Change

Change. It’s one word that is easy to say but hard to do. No matter how you go about it, knowing why you need to change is extremely important. Otherwise in the process, when the struggle grips tightly on to you, squeezing without mercy, it may feel as though it’s just not worth it. If…