The Value of One Vision

It does not have to be a facility built with iron bars to keep us locked up. Sometimes we are imprisoned in our minds, trapped in a belief system that does not serve us. In such a system, life does not get any better. Its victims are rewarded with no money, sickness, and suffering. They…

The Value of One Objective

An undisciplined life is one of trouble. If we have no objectives in life, who knows where we will end up. We cannot be wishy-washy because life is precious. The world has countless people who have sought more life and were denied, whether it was of time or health. Something is always after our focus,…

The Value of One Job

We will never enjoy our work so much as when we give it our all. When all is consumed, we will have climbed to the highest peak using every tool our disposal. Not many will join us, but the view is magnificent! Work ethic keeps us going long past the desire to quit. A job…

The Value of One Idea

One idea can change everything, but it is located at the right time, conveniently outside of our comfort zone. Producing ideas is quite interesting, due to the fact that some ideas come randomly and at other times, it is like we do not have a single thought for something new. Things we build tomorrow must…

The Value of One Year

Age is a foolish thing to control, foolish because it is one thing completely out of our control. In periods of life, we want to be an age that we are not. Children try to be as old as they can, claiming eight and half years old rather than eight. For the person who will…