Learn from Others

The grand scheme of self-pity; it promises everything but gives little to no value at all. If you want to find someone to pity, how about finding a baby? They are so cute and innocent, often becoming the center of attention in a room filled with people. But they literally don’t know anything! Watching them…

It’s ok to be Weak

Our tendency is to hate ourselves when we see weakness. This is especially true when we are around others who do not have the same weakness. We completely overlook the fact that no matter who it is, they have a weakness too. They might not show it. I think we would all be surprised if…

Misplaced Faith

We tend to put our faith in all kinds of things and even in people. When things don’t work out the way we planned for them to, it can be devastating. It leaves us feeling empty and hopeless. It makes sense for us to feel this way. After all, we may have placed it all…

No Free Time

We give such a substantial portion of ourselves to our careers, it leaves the other areas of our lives at risk. After giving so much of ourselves throughout the day, it is tempting to fall into the belief that we have nothing left to give of ourselves. Depending on the type of work, a person…

Infamous Robber

  How can a crime of theft be repeatedly committed and yet the perpetrator never caught in all of history? This perp is always watching and waiting for its next victim. It has no face and thus cannot be identified. Even if it were caught, it has no body to put in prison. Therefore, it…

Not a Chance, Pal

Recently, at a red light, the car behind me stopped at a normal distance. Well done, good sir! There was a red arrow to turn left or make a U-turn, so I did not move an inch. The guy behind me pulled two feet closer. A few seconds passed before cars stopped coming through the…

I Said This but Meant That

Figuring out the true meaning of what someone else says should not be that difficult of a task if you’re both speaking the same language. However, one of the reasons I think confusion has manifested in my own life is because what I say and what I mean aren’t always the same. But I bet…

In Your Dreams

Many songs and movies have been made about having our dreams fulfilled. It is a common desire to live out our dreams, so much that many of us spend hours, days, even years in pursuit of a dream. Chasing your dream is not an easy path, which is likely the reason many dreams are given…

Airing out the Laundry

Is it me or are more people getting far too comfortable airing out their dirty laundry in public? By asking this question, I’m not referring to hanging clothes on a clothesline. I am asking about the drama between two or more people and the comfort level they feel to freely share that mess with the…

Trail of Hope

Hope is a funny thing. That’s not to say it makes you laugh but it does have an interesting way of popping up now and then. Life is cyclical. For the people who understand math, it’s like a sine wave with continuous peaks and valleys. It tends to be crushing at times and acts as…