A Life of Excellence, part 6

The first job that I received a paycheck for was at a local family restaurant. At fifteen years of age with a work permit in hand, I was ready to go. As a minor, they had to restrict my hours, but I worked as often as they’d let me. My boss was the owner of…

A Life of Excellence, part 5

Has anyone else thought about a positive aspect of shutting everything down the way it has been over the last few weeks? For me, I can’t help but think of relationships, family, and friends. A life of excellence is surrounded by great relationships. For families that live together in this age of busyness, they pass…

A Life of Excellence, part 4

It’s one of the most complicated systems we’ve encountered so far, yet very few cherish it. The human body. After it is cut, it stitches itself back together. When injured in various other ways, it heals itself. It’s been a marvel of science since the beginning and continues to astonish today. There is still no…

A Life of Excellence, part 3

I’ve been writing off and on for most of my life, although most written works were short. In college, I had to take an English literature class, which further ignited my sense of wonder in writing. I started to toy around with the idea, but nothing ever amounted to it. Several more years passed when…