Free Will

The power to do something different at any given time; free will. Humankind is the only creature that can wake up without a plan. Chances are you have met someone who has lived this philosophy like it was actually a good strategy. Everything else around us has a plan. Birds know exactly what to do…

Good Riddance!

Yesterday I reflected over the year 2020. It’s amazing how the year started off so well. I made many goals and for the first few months, I was able to achieve them daily. I was crushing it and it felt awesome. But then an unwelcome guest came onto the world stage and life as we…

Goals Really Work, part 1

Set goals! All our lives we’ve been told to set goals, yet no one bothers! Does anyone else wonder why that is? I know why I have not in the past. It takes discipline and effort to plan your life in a diligent manner. There were more compelling reasons not to set goals. Personally speaking,…

The Right One

It is fascinating to me, as I believe it, how God sends people into our lives. It could be said they are sent at just the right time. However, even when it seems like it is the wrong time, it could turn out to be the right time. Years ago, I met a young man…

Carry All That?

When I was a teenager, my father regularly took my brother and I hunting in the fall. My brother was really into it. I, on the other hand, was in it for the trip. We even had a best friend that tagged along with us on occasion. One time when we were all together, my…

The Right Time

If you are kind to someone, you may never know the effect it has. It is possible that it may have no impact whatsoever. But to be fair, one must take into consideration that it may be the exact thing needed to help another person change direction. At these turning points, which occur at a…

Jeff v3.0

Recently, I found myself reminiscing about times past. If you ever used a rotary phone, you undoubtedly remember the frustration of your mistake at the end if you selected the wrong number. Start over! The first cell phone I saw belonged to my grandmother, although I’m not sure if it would be more appropriate to…

A Change of Mind

If you have convinced yourself change is not possible, perhaps it time to change the way you think. Changing how you think can steer your life in a new direction, which will take you to a different place than where you are. Life is too short to fill up with more negative experiences. They suck…

In Your Dreams

Many songs and movies have been made about having our dreams fulfilled. It is a common desire to live out our dreams, so much that many of us spend hours, days, even years in pursuit of a dream. Chasing your dream is not an easy path, which is likely the reason many dreams are given…

Weary in Well Doing, part 7

Do you want to see this world become a better place? Don’t just fight to change the world, fight to love it. It’s a fight because in the process of trying to save it you risk losing yourself. Going down this path can cause you to grow to hate what it was you loved in…