Free Indeed

Freedom is precious and not to be taken lightly. It is desired because we all are or have been bound by something. Our hearts yearn for freedom from oppression of all sorts. We even expect someone to swoop in and rescue us so that we will not have to rescue ourselves. What if freedom is…

A Hundred Butterflies

Just over a year ago, I was aboard a cruise ship floating on the Caribbean seas. I am a known wanderer on ships in search of what they have to offer, as well as to satisfy a natural curiosity. The engineering that goes into the design of these massive vessels is extraordinary and I often…

The Power of No, part 6

I’ve talked a lot lately about the power to say no. In some of the earlier parts, I’ve given some suggestions that have worked for me. In case this is your first time reading, here again are some of the things that have helped me to say no. – Exercise has made me think twice…


Think about the last time you were offended because of someone. Perhaps they said something to you that hurt your feelings. Or maybe it was a bad business deal and you were jipped. Chances are, the offender has long since moved on. Meanwhile you are still thinking about it. Becoming offended is like getting stuck…