Developed in the Struggle

Have you ever wanted a masterfully crafted body? The commercials make these physically fit people look incredible. Just look at them exercising; they look and feel great! Maybe you believed in it so much that you too joined a gym, literally thrilled with yourself about the results headed your way. Once I was. The local…

Kicking a Habit

Bad habits can be hard to overcome. On the other hand, creating new habits takes us out of our comfort zone. Despite the fact that some of our habits are destructive, we continue on with them like robots, not questioning why these tasks are being carried out. Remember, this is your life! You get to…

Where You Finish

It’s not where you start but where you finish that counts. Many people show up at the starting line. But at the end of a long race, few are at the finish line.  Through all the agony and suffering, these are those who refuse to quit. At the start of any race, crowds of people…