The Value of One Savior

Finding the value in things and people often requires that we look. When the brain bypasses so much information that seems irrelevant to us, it is easy to see why we miss things. It is up to us to stop and pay attention to people and our surroundings. Value surrounds us all the time, we…

80 Years to Fall in Love

This week I was listening online to a question and answer session. The questions were difficult to answer yet were welcomed by those answering them to the best of their ability. Since being brought up in church, I had always been taught about hell. Many of us wrestle with understanding the eternal consequences of our…

What Moves me

Sometimes when I think about God, it’s a wonder why he does some things the way he does. As a result, I wrestle with unanswered questions. Despite not having the answers to these questions, I continue building my relationship with him anyway. In the process, it gets deeper as time passes. That’s the thing about…