Boys will be Boys, part 1

A fond memory of my childhood was watching wrestling. Every week it when it came on, we would gather around the television and watch our favorite wrestlers get in the ring to fight it out. At my friend’s house was where the most excitement occurred. Weeks would pass that led up to some pay-per-view that…

It’s ok to be Weak

Our tendency is to hate ourselves when we see weakness. This is especially true when we are around others who do not have the same weakness. We completely overlook the fact that no matter who it is, they have a weakness too. They might not show it. I think we would all be surprised if…

Why Risk It?

Why build anything meaningful if there is a chance it will be lost? If you have lived long at all, you have asked why countless times. Life hurts so much when something is taken away from us. It can be a toy, a pet, family member, friend, or any number of things. It gets to…