Is That All?

When you only have a little, it’s tempting not to do anything with it. Let’s say you are thinking about starting to save for retirement and you make a hundred dollars a week. When looking at what percent to give, you decide on ten percent and set it aside. It’s tempting to say, well it’s…

Prepared for Opportunity

If you are a driver, you have likely driven onto a highway or major insterstate, where everyone was driving roughly 65mph. When there is major construction on a ramp to the highway, they sometimes put a stop sign there, and force drivers to come to a complete stop. The drivers eagerly wait for a moment…

You Can’t Do That!

Has anyone ever said these words to you? They have been said countlessly through time, only to be proven wrong by someone who dared to believe the impossible. I’m talking about a belief that resounds inside someone so strong that it lunges them past what others thought they could achieve. Many feats have been accomplished…

The Faith Connection

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In a similar way, faith is the shortest distance from where you are now to where you want to be. In order to get to the next level in your life, it’s going to require faith. Stepping out of your comfort zone is not an…

Not by Choice

Things happen in life in ways that we do not approve. We aren’t always given the choice in how things go. When stuff happens, the only thing we have control of is how we choose to see the situation. Will you be angry, bitter, and resentful? Why me? I am a good person… why? The…

Not Now

If we are honest with ourselves, this phrase comes out of our mouth all the time. We know something has to be done, but we do not like to say to ourselves, “I’m not going to do it”. That would make us feel guilty. Instead, we have cleverly convinced ourselves in a subtle way. We…