Weary in Well Doing, part 3

There had been a couple months where I had been inactive in the nursing home ministry of my church. While I was not actively thinking about the rejection of my last experience, it still hurt so I didn’t try to find anyone else to visit. However, the director of the ministry reached out to me…

Weary in Well Doing, part 2

Earlier this year, I decided to get actively involved in several ministries at my church. One of the ministries was to serve under a pastor who worked with the seniors of the church. He was responsible for many areas, one of which included a nursing home ministry. A new director started around the same time…

Weary in Welldoing, part 1

When your efforts are spent on trying to change the world around you, it may not take long before they are spent. The needs of this world are too much for the select few who care enough to try to do something about them. If you are not careful, you can burn out and quit…

Where’s That Wheel Going?

After leaving church one Sunday morning, I was headed to visit my friend in the nursing home. On my way, I drove down a busy road that had two lanes on each side of a center turning lane. When I drove around a bend in the road, I noticed something strange in front of me.…

How it’s Done!

Twice in the same night I was shown how it’s done! What sucks about it is that it was the same guy making me look like a punk! I was in the back corner of the gym, doing shoulder presses with two thirty pound dumbbells. An older gentleman crossed by the large wall sized mirror…

Cookie Thief

Over the last few months, I’ve tried to cut back on sweets. During a recent trip to the grocery store, my heart was stirred once more by a timeless love. It called to me from many rows back, midway down a narrow aisle. The call came from none other than a package of chocolate chip…

What a Jerk!

Recently one of my neighbors had a tree cut down. When I went outside that afternoon, I saw orange construction cones blocking the street I live on in both directions. I was not driving anywhere so it did not matter to me. I was, however, going to check my mail down the street. There was…

Nonexistent Ice Cream Truck Lady

On a recent Saturday morning, I woke up a little after 7:00 a.m. without the sound of an alarm clock. I got up and performed my usual routine of getting ready and eating breakfast. Then I read for a little while at the kitchen table when suddenly, I heard it. The continuous blaring sounds of…

The Tissue Magician

I found out recently that I have a special gift; the uncanny ability to transform a small wad of tissues into a thousand pieces of mini tissues. No, I’m not really a magician. For those of you fortunate enough not to have left tissues in your jacket pocket before tossing it in the washing machine,…

Experience of the Ages

An interesting thing about getting older is that the more experience one has, the greater the temptation is to think they know everything. There are several problems with thinking this way. For starters, let me be clear – you don’t, despite how highly you think of yourself. It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, you…