Win or Lose, Together

Win or lose, the whole team experiences it together. When a team wins, each player might think about how much effort they individually put into it. Their ego wants to cry out, “I did it!” But in reality, they never did it alone. Absolutely there are gifted people out there. But talent alone will not…

Provoked to Awaken

Our enemies provoke us. Something in them calls out to something in us. We may not even realize it, but at the moment of trial, something inside awakens. There is only so much we tolerate. At first it is just uncomfortable but quickly moves to fearful. We want to flee the moment, but our adversary…

God Does it for me

Something my dad taught me to do many years ago was to start every day with prayer. Hearing and practicing are distinctly different though. Throughout the years he continued to emphasize the importance of alone time with God and how it helps us deal with whatever comes up during that day. I have lived long…

What is God’s Return on Investment?

Save, save, save. We have all heard how important it is to save up for a rainy day, as well as for retirement. Each contribution adds to the prior ones, ultimately creating a fund that should sustain us for the remainder of our lives. Part of the reason we keep saving along the way is…