What’s Pulling at you?

When I was growing up, there was a game we used to have so much fun playing called tug of war, where two teams pulled on the same rope but in opposite directions. To make it challenging, we tried to even up each side with similar capabilities. That is when the tug of war started.…

A Life of Excellence, part 2

Living a life of excellence means making the right choices, which are not always obvious from the start. It takes diligence to observe, process, and finally decide on what to do. Even then the choices we make are not always right. When wrong choices are made, it means taking appropriate action to get back on…

Mail in Heaven

A couple years ago, I went to a church service one morning in Dallas, Texas. The church reminded me of one back home that my brother went to. My group sat near the back, off the corner of the sound booth. In it, was a man running all the sound controls. He too, reminded me…

The Hope of Love

Something expectant mothers go through is the potential love that will emanate from that tiny human forming inside them. It’s truly remarkable how the creation of a human being works. Life doesn’t come with a guarantee for the child or the mother. They say a mother’s love is unique in many ways. I suppose when…

Hide and Seek

One of my favorite childhood games was hide and seek. One child closed their eyes, while the others went and hid. The ages of those playing determined how secretive of a hiding spot they would find. The youngest picked spots where they were easily seen. While hiding behind a plant, their eyes were covered and…

You Did What?

Of many things on my list of regrets, I swear this one must be up toward the top. In my defense, it was when I was quite a bit younger, in that invincible stage of life in which I thought I was unstoppable. I know better now. In fact, when I see some of the…

Revise your Strategy

If you have ever been disciplined enough to develop a strategy for life, that is awesome. My question for you would be when was the last time you reflected and revised it? Strategies can be highly effective but sometimes only for a period. In competition, if a person makes the same play repeatedly, their opponent…

The Power of No, part 4

Things seem innocent enough where we may not distinguish a difference. If we are not taught that something is wrong, we will likely try it. But even when we are taught something is wrong, there is a small part of us that wants to partake in it anyway. As in life, anything that is fed…