He Meets me in my Suffering

I think one of the things that people struggle with, whether or not they believe in God, is why suffering exists. In the believer’s mind, why does he allow it. In the unbeliever’s mind, why should I believe in a God who allows it. There are many great minds out there who have made it…

A Life of Excellence, part 11

Many people would agree that spirituality has a valuable place in our lives. For me, living a life of excellence spiritually means that I must continue to grow in relationship and communion with God because that is whom I place my faith in. As I’ve already said in other blog posts, this has become the…

Perspective of Today

With what is going on in the world today, fear, doubt, and worry have forced their way into most homes, businesses, and governments. The financial burden many people are facing today is unbearable. The loss some people are experiencing ranges from life itself (or loss of a loved one) to a loss of supplies. The…

The Right One

It is fascinating to me, as I believe it, how God sends people into our lives. It could be said they are sent at just the right time. However, even when it seems like it is the wrong time, it could turn out to be the right time. Years ago, I met a young man…

What Moves me

Sometimes when I think about God, it’s a wonder why he does some things the way he does. As a result, I wrestle with unanswered questions. Despite not having the answers to these questions, I continue building my relationship with him anyway. In the process, it gets deeper as time passes. That’s the thing about…

Misplaced Faith

We tend to put our faith in all kinds of things and even in people. When things don’t work out the way we planned for them to, it can be devastating. It leaves us feeling empty and hopeless. It makes sense for us to feel this way. After all, we may have placed it all…

Trail of Hope

Hope is a funny thing. That’s not to say it makes you laugh but it does have an interesting way of popping up now and then. Life is cyclical. For the people who understand math, it’s like a sine wave with continuous peaks and valleys. It tends to be crushing at times and acts as…

The Power of No, part 7

When I started writing the final part of this series on the power to say no, I knew where to take it. While listening to a sermon last week, the pastor said something that immediately grabbed my attention. It was about being enslaved to your way out of something. It was such a powerful thought…

The Faith Connection

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In a similar way, faith is the shortest distance from where you are now to where you want to be. In order to get to the next level in your life, it’s going to require faith. Stepping out of your comfort zone is not an…

My Faith is Anchored

Have you ever doubted your faith? I think it is safe to say we all have at one point or another. After all, the giants we face in life can be very intimidating. But don’t worry. Just because your head may be filled with doubt, does not mean your heart has to be also. They…