Boys will be Boys, part 2

While growing up, having an older brother meant that I had someone who was exposed to life’s cruel ways before I was. My guess is that life hurt him so much that he felt the need to prepare me. Therefore, he was rather hard on me, I suppose trying to toughen me up for the…

You’ll be Sorry

What are you waiting for, an apology? If someone has wronged you, it may not have been intentional. Even if it was, how long will you wait to hear them admit they were wrong? Are you prepared to wait a lifetime? Might want to consider because it might just take that long. People don’t like…


Life is filled with disappointments. The more our hearts age, the more we know this to be true. As a child, everything is new and fresh. The world makes a big deal of you starting out. But somewhere along the way, it seems to stop caring. The applause dwindles down as your accomplishments become common…

Not by Choice

Things happen in life in ways that we do not approve. We aren’t always given the choice in how things go. When stuff happens, the only thing we have control of is how we choose to see the situation. Will you be angry, bitter, and resentful? Why me? I am a good person… why? The…


Think about the last time you were offended because of someone. Perhaps they said something to you that hurt your feelings. Or maybe it was a bad business deal and you were jipped. Chances are, the offender has long since moved on. Meanwhile you are still thinking about it. Becoming offended is like getting stuck…