2nd Book Release!!!

I am so excited to share with you my latest book, which is now available as an ebook on Amazon. Love is a common element found at the heart of most gifts. Weaved in the fabric of life are unique opportunities in which each of us are granted a chance to make a difference in…

The Sacrifice of Two

Over the years, I have heard numerous stories of how my dad made many sacrifices for our family. In fact, we have all laughed so many times because of the inside jokes that we share. Before my brother and I were born, my dad switched jobs several times until he ended up in a single…

Ungrateful Wretch!

First off, I use slang all the time, often without knowing the meaning. I searched the online dictionary to find out what a wretch was and thought, yes that perfectly fits as one of the names given to someone who does not appreciate a gift. I hope this is not the case but acknowledge the…

Asset and Liabilities in Friendship

I’d be remiss to talk about friendship and not ask you to examine what kind of friend you are. Are you in a friendship only for what they give you, or do you give back equally? In other words, are you an asset in their life or a liability? Family are the people in our…

Token of Appreciation

For some people, giving comes easy. It’s receiving that they need to work on. For these people, the first inclination after receiving a gift is to turn around and give something equal or greater in return. A genuine gift from the heart should not have to be returned in any way to the original giver.…

Add + Value

Videos posted online have flourished like never before. Browse the comment section of popular channels and it should not take more than a few seconds to find a peculiar message. I rarely post in the comment section of any video. One day, for whatever reason, some of the comments stuck out and caused my eyes…

Resources to Give

Giving is often a matter of choice. If a person looks for a reason not to give, they will likely find ten. There is no conceivable way to know everyone’s circumstances, let alone their motives. It is understandable that some people, indeed, do not have much to give. But this message is intended more for…

Favorite Time of the Year

I’ve often heard the phrase, “This is my favorite time of the year!” In fact, those words seem to come out of my own mouth every year starting with Thanksgiving and ending by year’s end. Many of us enjoy the time of family and gratitude extended during this month-long celebration. It is almost comical to…

Givers and Takers

We all start out with a blank slate. It is natural to take. From the moment we are conceived, we took from our father and mother. From then on, our mother supplied us with the necessary nutrition. For nine months she gives of herself. It continues even after we are born. For a long time,…