The value of a gift varies, depending on what it means, both to the giver and the recipient. Chances are though, if we cannot feel the gift in our hand, what makes us think they will feel it in theirs? It is not necessarily the price of a gift though, because a little gift may only cost one dollar. A dollar can give a thousand dollars’ worth of pleasure and last a lifetime as a memory.

Other people may get upset when we give something away, especially when they covet the thing we are giving, such as money. But we cannot let the concerns of such people stop us from doing the things that are on our hearts to do. We must understand how much we can impact the lives of others in a positive way. Part of doing this means we have to consider what a gift could mean to them before ever giving it.

A gift that is too cheap can bring shame to the recipient and the giver. These types of gifts tend to be those of obligation rather than love. Do not be ashamed of a gift given out of love. The best gifts are given out of love, not fortune. The most valuable things cannot be bought. Ask a pleased father who received a scribbled drawing from his child if it means less than any material possession.

The world starves when we try to get more out of life than we give. That is one of the reasons many people are so unhappy with their lives. Rather than being self-centered, we can become other centered. When we shift our efforts toward figuring out what we can give, it changes how we live. This will shape our decisions, which impact those around us.

Recognize the value in one gift. We are still on earth because we have a gift that the world needs. And we are robbing everyone of that gift by not living it out. Find the value of one gift.

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Today’s post is an excerpt from Jeff Kayser’s book titled “The Value of One.” Return every week to read a new excerpt from the book. Why wait? The book in its entirety is available today at Amazon. Click the link below for the book’s video trailer.

The Value of One – Book Video Trailer

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