The Value of One Objective

An undisciplined life is one of trouble. If we have no objectives in life, who knows where we will end up. We cannot be wishy-washy because life is precious. The world has countless people who have sought more life and were denied, whether it was of time or health. Something is always after our focus,…

The Value of One Year

Age is a foolish thing to control, foolish because it is one thing completely out of our control. In periods of life, we want to be an age that we are not. Children try to be as old as they can, claiming eight and half years old rather than eight. For the person who will…

The Curse of Won’t

I cannot imagine that anyone wants to be a flop in life. Instead, most of us would like to achieve some level of success. Maybe not climbing the highest peaks, but it is definitely not falling into the lowest depths. Yet the moment we set out to do something big with our lives, we are…

Good Riddance!

Yesterday I reflected over the year 2020. It’s amazing how the year started off so well. I made many goals and for the first few months, I was able to achieve them daily. I was crushing it and it felt awesome. But then an unwelcome guest came onto the world stage and life as we…

Detour of Thought

No matter how precisely you plan a route in your mind to a specific destination, there are tons of obstacles that will take your mind off course. If you are going to be forced to take a detour, make sure it is one of your choosing. Positive thinking takes a lot of work to continually…

Goals Really Work, part 3

Numerous times in the past there have been speeches given and books written on the effectiveness of setting goals. Countless successful people have come before us and shown us how powerful they can be. I personally observed how effective the exercise of goal setting has been and witnessed the results from disciplined effort. After so…

Goals Really Work, part 1

Set goals! All our lives we’ve been told to set goals, yet no one bothers! Does anyone else wonder why that is? I know why I have not in the past. It takes discipline and effort to plan your life in a diligent manner. There were more compelling reasons not to set goals. Personally speaking,…

A Life of Excellence, part 11

Many people would agree that spirituality has a valuable place in our lives. For me, living a life of excellence spiritually means that I must continue to grow in relationship and communion with God because that is whom I place my faith in. As I’ve already said in other blog posts, this has become the…

A Life of Excellence, part 6

The first job that I received a paycheck for was at a local family restaurant. At fifteen years of age with a work permit in hand, I was ready to go. As a minor, they had to restrict my hours, but I worked as often as they’d let me. My boss was the owner of…