Where did the day go? How many times have we asked that question and wondered where all that time went? Most of us never plan out the day yet we all want more time. That is the one thing we will never get because there is no such thing as extra time. What is more practical is to make use of the only time we have, which is right now.

A valuable lesson to learn is that if we do not respect our time, no one else will. People knowingly or not will use up their time gossiping about others or complaining about things. Even when we show no interest at all in such matters, there are still people who cherish the experience and are eager to gossip with us. It does not really matter why they enjoy it so much, that is for them to figure out. If we want nothing to do with it, we will have to tell them.

What we do in a day is determined by us, or at least it should be. Sure, an employer may control a sizable portion, but we manage the rest of the day. During and after work, we will become what we invest our time in. Sadly, the easiest option is nothing. But when we invest in something worthwhile, the time in our days will be spent better. Whatever it is we give ourselves to, we must give what we are able to.

Days are the building blocks of life. What we continually do day after day determines what we will become. If we are not satisfied with what we became today, only we can change it. If feeling stuck in life, turn the page because there are new chapters ahead. Change is not a static thing, but always changing due to choices, thoughts, and actions. We can ignore change and pretend by doing nothing. Whether we are ready or not, it does not really matter. Life is impatient and will move on us while we sit idle, waiting to figure things out.

Recognize the value in one day. Hopefully, the power of a day repeated makes sense. But every once in a while, we need to use the power of a day to replenish ourselves. Moments may never happen again, so cherish them. Make memories by doing activities with loved ones both at home and while out visiting places. Things seem more special when we do not experience them on a regular basis. Maximize life and realize the magnitude of importance of one go-round.

Copyright ©2022 AuthorJeffKayser.com. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s post is an excerpt from Jeff Kayser’s book titled “The Value of One.” Return every week to read a new excerpt from the book. Why wait? The book in its entirety is available today at Amazon. Click the link below for the book’s video trailer.

The Value of One – Book Video Trailer

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