One idea can change everything, but it is located at the right time, conveniently outside of our comfort zone. Producing ideas is quite interesting, due to the fact that some ideas come randomly and at other times, it is like we do not have a single thought for something new. Things we build tomorrow must start today with an idea. It is knowing that starts it but doing is the only thing that will bring life to an idea. Without action, ideas remain trapped in our imagination.

Ideas are solutions to problems that plague humanity, although it is sometimes arguable about what a problem is. Much of the world deals with problems of survival, not knowing when the next meal is coming or the lack of a comfortable place to sleep. Capitalism has thrived throughout many places in the world because of the value it brings to the free market. Most of the things we pay for in life are to satisfy our needs and wants.

First comes the idea, but afterward comes the investment. No investment equals no return. A word of caution, the work put into an idea must be strategic because having the right intention with the wrong action does not work. All actions must be driven by a plan with intention. This is a reason many follow in the footsteps of others who have gone before and succeeded. Farming is a fitting example of using what worked and what did not. Without knowing anything about it would be difficult to say the least, and that is before the work even starts. It takes knowing what to plant, when to plant, how to plant, how to nurture, when to harvest, how to harvest, and the list goes on. If anything is done out of sequence or incorrectly, everything could be lost.

Ideas can come in suddenly, and overwhelmingly. In search of how to bring an idea to fruition, a person can have too many choices and feel lost and drowning in a sea of decisions. This is where some ideas do not make it. Fear, worry, and anxiety all work to choke out an idea before it ever takes off. For some ideas, this may be the best thing. Not every idea is worth pursuing. In fact, a vast amount of them are downright terrible.

One way to know whether or not an idea is worth pursuing is by counting the cost upfront and then deciding whether it is worth it. Believe it or not, we are all one stupid decision away from wrecking our lives. Not that panic should be the next course of action, it is just to emphasize the importance of using wisdom in decision making. Understand that we will not always make the right decisions when executing an idea, and that is okay.

Recognize the value of one idea. At times, it will be difficult and seem like the idea will never come to life. The excitement should still remain about that extraordinary thing called possibility. All the facts can still be present, and things may not go our way. But like a key that magically opens a lock, suddenly, the right idea can change everything.

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Today’s post is an excerpt from Jeff Kayser’s book titled “The Value of One.” Return every week to read a new excerpt from the book. Why wait? The book in its entirety is available today at Amazon. Click the link below for the book’s video trailer.

The Value of One – Book Video Trailer

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