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We tend to get what we expect out of life. For some, that means they will get nothing. Life has beat them down to the point that they do not believe anything good will happen to them. Living each day is a drudgery, wasting time away until the day it is over. If at this point in life, do not be dismayed. Change is always possible, but often begins with us. If we want things to change for us, then we should change.

Other people are aligned on a scale ranging from low to grand expectations. The variance is made up of a culmination of things such as beliefs, attitude, behavior, discipline, and lots more subjects that fill self-help books. How much do we push ourselves to grow? Growth does not always come on its own. There are times we must reach for it by striving to challenge ourselves to learn more.

A common failure point is to find an excuse. People tend to blame everything else in the world except themselves. Regardless of whether they have a valid reason to accept life as it is, they accept it each day. Their belief system continues to fulfill its duty by delivering the same expectations that they have already accepted. One day, it all could change. Rather than focus on what they do not have, they could look at what they do have and do something with it. By throwing away excuses they could shatter their old belief system and start something new, a life of expectation. Instead of expecting more from others, they decide to expect more from themselves, doing more with what they have control of.

Life is filled with experiences of sowing and reaping. Violating this principle, expecting return without investment, is foolish. It is only the harvester who sowed the seeds and did the work that has a reason to hope with expectancy. The easiest example is to imagine a farmer who planted nothing in the ground. All season long, they eagerly await with expectation to have crops like their neighbor, who awoke early each day to till the land and plant the crops.

It simply does not work that way. If at first, we give ourselves to something and expect, but then are disappointed with what is received in return, the mismatch will bring resentment. The unmet expectation equals frustration. If this is the case, we must determine whether or not we invested enough. If we did, then it might be time to examine whether what we are investing in is the right thing.

Recognize the value in one expectation. Every fight is a faith fight, which will challenge us along the way. But when we learn to expect the best out of life, the odds become higher in our favor that one day we will live that better life. It might not be right away, because seeds take time to grow. But when we keep investing in the right things, we can expect remarkable things to eventually come our way.

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Today’s post is an excerpt from Jeff Kayser’s book titled “The Value of One.” Return every week to read a new excerpt from the book. Why wait? The book in its entirety is available today at Amazon. Click the link below for the book’s video trailer.

The Value of One – Book Video Trailer

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