One life matters. Not every person in this world believes it, but that does not negate this simple truth. People have acted wickedly toward one another, which is partially what leads us to believe otherwise. The value of a creation is known most by its creator, the one who designed and built it. Anyone else may not recognize the qualities and potential inherent within the creation.

It is astonishing to watch the news in my country. There are so many stories where people rush into dangerous situations, attempting to rescue one life. In cities and towns all over this country, firefighters risk their own lives to save the lives of others trapped in burning buildings. Police and other officers of similar stature are often put into dangerous situations in order to fulfill their duties as well. Soldiers face things most of us could never manage. Even when a person threatens to take their own life, numerous people will show up to try to protect those individuals from themselves. There is a common thread between all these; an individual is worth saving.

People matter but not based on physical characteristics. The world tries to put numbers on us, which groups us into quantities. This helps them but it does not help us because being a number is much more impersonal than being an individual. Our individual worth can be lost in the shuffle with this type of mindset. When we are one of billions, which can feel insignificant. But when focusing on one person’s life, everything changes. It varies based on perspective.

Recognize the value in one life. Every individual undergoes a unique combination of circumstances, events, and exposure to various kinds of people. All these things shape us into who we are. Although we can be similar to others, we are still far from duplicates. We have all heard the phrase, “be yourself.” Unless they are a horrible person, I would agree with that statement. The world does not need so many copies of certain individuals. There is so much temptation to be fake and unoriginal. Just because it is easier to go with the grain does not mean it is always the right way. Be the best version of yourself.

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Today’s post is an excerpt from Jeff Kayser’s book titled “The Value of One.” Return every week to read a new excerpt from the book. Why wait? The book in its entirety is available today at Amazon. Click the link below for the book’s video trailer.

The Value of One – Book Video Trailer

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