The Value of One Life

One life matters. Not every person in this world believes it, but that does not negate this simple truth. People have acted wickedly toward one another, which is partially what leads us to believe otherwise. The value of a creation is known most by its creator, the one who designed and built it. Anyone else…

The Value of One Need

Need is the common denominator that allows every human being to relate to each other. All of us are broken, just in different places. Our needs are one of the reasons why we need each other. Need is the reason we have a marketplace to sell our goods and services. We all know people who…

The Value of One Idea

One idea can change everything, but it is located at the right time, conveniently outside of our comfort zone. Producing ideas is quite interesting, due to the fact that some ideas come randomly and at other times, it is like we do not have a single thought for something new. Things we build tomorrow must…

The Value of One Year

Age is a foolish thing to control, foolish because it is one thing completely out of our control. In periods of life, we want to be an age that we are not. Children try to be as old as they can, claiming eight and half years old rather than eight. For the person who will…

The Value of One Sale

Life is filled with lots of sales but how many times are we sold on ourselves? Even more, how often do we sell us to ourselves? At times destiny is best written in pencil, not ink. Humans are creatures of habit, but habits can change. When we need to change things in our life, if…

The Value of One Habit

“I cannot wait to start another habit,” said no one ever. If viewing habits like most people do, they might have associated them with drinking, smoking, gambling, or other harmful addictions known to tear apart families and friendships. If currently lacking any addictions like those, then seeing how harmful they can be can help us…

The Value of One Word

One word. Sometimes that is all it takes to change everything. This is because words have the power to change the things and people around us. A spoken word can be even more effective when it intersects perfect timing. If allowed to continue, these life changing moments can ultimately affect a person’s life for better,…